Friday, February 7, 2020

Be Still and Know

Psalm 46:10 (NASB95): Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth

Cease striving. What is God requiring of us in that statement? Other versions interpret this phrase as “be still”.

Today, I looked at one of the notes in the version above and it said “Let go or Relax.”

God does not want us in a state of turmoil. He wants us to stop. Wait. rest. Relax. Stop trying to do it on our own; stop trying to handle it without Him. It’s a two-part process - cease striving and KNOW. What is it that we are supposed to know? We are supposed to know that He is GOD. It’s almost like we can’t do one without the other. We can’t cease striving until we KNOW. We can’t relax until we KNOW. We can’t let go until we KNOW.

Honestly, this morning I am thinking hard about this. Because I know, but sometimes I don’t KNOW. There is a big difference between knowing something intellectually, and knowing it spiritually and intimately. I can read up on a subject and know a lot about it, but until I have experienced it for myself - I don’t KNOW.

Sometimes I wonder how God can expect us to be still when life is swirling all around us. There are so many demands on our time and attention. The only time most of us are still is in our sleep. Even when we are supposed to be relaxing, we are fixated on our cell phones or other devices, trying to keep up with what is going on in the rest of the world. So many demands!

Do you think God is not aware? Of course He is! I think that’s why He speaks to the heart of the psalmist and gives instructions. “Be still.” “Cease striving.” “Let go.” “Relax.” He knows peace is what we need. Actual peace, not just theoretical peace. The Lord wants us to experience peace - to KNOW peace. The Lord Jesus encouraged His disciples with the promise of peace. [Jhn 14:27 NASB] Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.

I’m glad that I don’t have to figure out how to be at peace all on my own. We have been given peace by the finished works of Jesus Christ! As a believer, that gives me hope. I can actually be still because of Jesus. He says we should not let our hearts be troubled. I think that is the part where we have to work. To keep introducing peace, even when our circumstance or surroundings speak otherwise. Knowing that Holy Spirit is in you, that God is with you, and that Jesus is interceding on your behalf can push away anything that threatens our peace. I can actually KNOW because the Word of God reveals all of this to us. We can KNOW peace, and be at peace, because it has been provided for us.

I pray that today, you are encouraged to be still and KNOW.

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Hi there, my friends!  I know, I'm not a consistent blogger.  I have been working for many years to change that, but I am finding that m...