Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Random or Ranting?

I was trying to decide what I wanted to write about, but I decided that what is in my heart will be enough. I am praying for many that have expressed a need. I am also standing, as they say, in the need of prayer. So many thoughts race through my mind that I wonder if any of them are worth sharing. However, even the most random posts hit home with someone at some point. I am spending less time online now. Much of what I see is depressing to me. Especially when it comes to the increase in people "speaking up" against Christianity. I am a Christian. I will not stop saying that so that I can be popular or go viral. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He died on the cross for my sins. I am grateful that someone took the time to tell me. I am so grateful that God loves me and that His plan for my life has superseded mine. 

I cannot ever say that there have not been challenges. There have been times when I wanted to completely give up on life. However, I have always had something that told me not to give up. I do know now that God was with me even in my darkest days, giving me strength and hope. Everything that I have learned about God teaches me that even when I was in my sin, He loved me. what is so great about Him is that He loved me first. He wasn't like most people we know. He didn't force us to earn His love by sacrificing ourselves. We don't have to constantly prove our worthiness; in fact, even in our unworthy state He will accept us if we will simply humble ourselves. 

I think that is the hardest part for most of us. We don't like the concept of humility. We don't want to bow down; we want to be the center of the universe, not bow to the Creator of the universe. What's up with that? Where did we get that from? Well, I just want to be honest - that attitude is not of God. It troubles my heart at times to realize that humility is fading away and pride is taking center stage. We can see it on the news. Everybody is mad at somebody else for some small thing. Why? Because whatever they did does not revolve around me! We are constantly trying to make sure people know who we are. We all want to be important, honored, respected, loved. And there is nothing wrong with desiring to be important, honored, respected, and loved, if we understand that others are looking for the same thing. 

Let us learn to treat each other with love and respect. Let us learn to walk in unity. Why can't we agree on something? Why can't we disagree without becoming disagreeable? Why is my way the only way, or your way the only way? I know that this blog post is not going to answer all of those questions, but I would like you to think about them. All of us have the opportunity to do better. The only perfect, sinless person was Jesus Christ our Lord. It is our privilege to try to follow His example as closely as we can. We will not always get it right, but we can try. Try to love others as we love ourselves. Try to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. Try to walk in a way that is respectful of others. We can put our best efforts into being better human beings. 

 You can do it. I know you can. I can do it. I know I can. 

 Is this random, or have I been ranting? You decide; I can't.

Friday, July 9, 2021

I Feel Like Pressing My Way

Hello, blog fans! I have been gone for a minute, but I am back. My heart is telling me it is time to exercise my mind and hands and get to writing something. I think I will get back to the inspiration writing I have been doing, and give you some information that you might find interesting. I was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and I have been undergoing various treatments in an attempt to slow the progression of the disease. In the meantime, I have been working hard to keep up the pace of my job and ministry. I'm glad to report that Eternal Word Fellowship Church is doing well. The leaders are doing a great job of keeping us together. And they have been preaching so powerfully! I am so proud of them all. So anyway, I bless the Lord for the progress that has been made. I also thank Him for peace of mind. I tell you there is nothing better than a life lived in peace. I hope that all of your days are filled with love and laughter. I will blog about something important pretty soon, I promise. Today I just wanted to do a little musing. No matter what you are going through, I hope that something down inside of you tells you to keep moving forward. I think I should be asleep, but there was something that needed to be said. I am encouraged, and I feel like going on. I feel like pressing my way. Sometimes the way is hard, and we have to face challenges that we simply do not understand. But I want you to trust God. I want to encourage you to believe that all things are working for your good (Romans 8:28). I want you to believe that God has good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). Press your way. Press and pray. You can do it! And I will be pushing right along with you.

We Need to Right What's Wrong

Hi there, my friends!  I know, I'm not a consistent blogger.  I have been working for many years to change that, but I am finding that m...