Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Just a Thought

Sometimes I wonder who has time to read the thousands of blog posts that are made every day. I ask myself, "Who is going to read this stuff?" every time I get ready to write.

And then I realize I may never know. I may never know who is reading this blog, looking for insight and encouragement. I may never know who saw a video posted on this blog that helped them make it a little further down the road. I may never know who was changed by something they read. I may never know who was reminded that despite difficulties, all is not lost. Life goes on, and I may never know who I have touched.

At least not on this side of eternity. There are so many things that are simply unknown to us. So instead of thinking that what we do makes no difference, I encourage you to think that what you do may make all the difference in the world to someone you may never meet on this side of eternity.

One thing is sure: on the other side of eternity, you will know some things you cannot possibly know now. Like how your kind word to someone stopped them from taking their own life. Or how the dollar you gave someone on the street restored their faith in the goodness of mankind. You don't know now, but then, you will KNOW.

First Corinthians chapter 13 puts it this way in verse 12: For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known.

Isn't that reassuring? One day we will know things just as fully, just as completely, as God knows us right now. And if I got this right, Jesus said that even the hairs on our heads are numbered. If God knows and cares about the minutest detail of our lives, why do we spend so much time worrying about what we don't know? Guess what? I don't know!

But I am confident that if I maintain a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, on the other side of eternity I will truly be a know it all. And the lives that I have touched, and the people that have touched my life, will be a complete and utter joy to me. Start today to invest in the things that you will only see clearly on the other side of eternity.

You will be glad you did.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,Catrina I read this stuff because I wanna know what people are bloging about. and withe the right keywords, Google will pay you for your blogs, you are a very good writer you are rich just for your writing about whats on your mind will blow somebody's mind! that is why i made a blog. but i didn't know what a blog was until a few weeks ago, so now i will be bloging for pay as soon as i take care of my husband & son's doctor's visited! so you be encouarge, you remind me of a lady who was under TD Jakse, do you know that story? I'll be back hubby is calling~~


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