Friday, April 22, 2011

What Easter Means to Me

Many years ago, I had to give a speech in Sunday School by this title. At that time, I did not know a lot about Easter, but I knew that it was a celebration of life. We used to sing about life - He rose from the dead! We were excited about Christ and all of the events surrounding the resurrection. It meant everything that the Blood had signed our names.

Of course, as kids we were also excited about candy and about dressing up in new clothes. The smaller we were, it seemed the bigger the Easter basket. My mom made Easter baskets for us until we were well into our teens.

When I was really small, I remember sitting in the kitchen, getting my hair pressed on the day before Easter. The importance of putting our best foot forward for the Lord was impressed upon us from our earliest days.

Now people have a very casual approach to God and to His presence. We come before him any way we please - and get mad if we feel He does not accept it. But back to Easter.

I am so glad that I understand the power of the Resurrection. Christ conquered death, hell, and the grave! He told His disciples that they would live because He lived (John 14:19). That promise extends all the way to us! Not only that, He promised to come back and receive his followers to Himself (John 14:2-3). The Blood did indeed sign our names - they are written in the Lamb's book of Life and will not be blotted out.

Every Easter is a reminder of the victory and the promises. I can sing with jubilation, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow!" Whatever tomorrow brings, I know Jesus has it under control. He has conquered everything, even death - the great equalizer. What can conquer us when we are more than conquerors? Not a thing.

Gladly I will present my best for him on Resurrection Sunday - not to be the finest lady in the Easter Parade, but to represent the One who gave his very best for me. His life, laid down, and then taken up again. He rose, He rose, He rose from the dead!

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