Monday, May 16, 2022

We Need to Right What's Wrong

Hi there, my friends!  I know, I'm not a consistent blogger.  I have been working for many years to change that, but I am finding that maybe this is just not my thing.  But I really wanted it to be at one time!  I still enjoy leaving some thoughts for others to consider - I just want to do it on a more regular basis.  Anyway, here is what is on my mind just now.

I am horrified at the rise of violence in our nation.  The United States of America is under attack not from without, but from within.  People born and raised in this country are setting themselves up as executioners of others because of fear, hatred, bigotry, and misinformation.  It is appalling.  

Instead of celebrating one another, embracing our differences, and learning from each other, certain groups are spreading incendiary rhetoric that turns impressionable young people into murderers.  The sad part is, someone, somewhere, is happy about this.

All over our country, violence is on the rise.  Not just the domestic terrorism variety either.  Domestic violence, road rage, fights followed by gunfire - everywhere you turn, it happens.  Murder-suicides, people killing their own children - it is everywhere.

Maybe it has always been this way and we just didn't know it.  Maybe having 24/7 news reporting and global access to information by way of the internet has brought it all home to us.  Maybe I am the only one who didn't see all of this.  What can I say?  Maybe as I grow older, I grow more sensitive to the pain I sense all around me.  I pray to the Lord for clarity, for wisdom, for direction.  What can be done to turn the tide of violence?

I believe that God is the only answer.  One day, he will answer it all, executing justice and righteousness to the perpetrators of unwarranted violence.  I see that it is nothing new; violence dates all the way back to Genesis:

[Gen 6:11 KJV] 11 The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

Just knowing that makes it a little easier to deal with.  I will have more on this later.  In the meantime, I ask you all to pray for both the victims and the perpetrators of violence.  Something is terribly wrong, and many lives will be forever changed by someone's foolish decision.  The only way to make things right is through the work of faith and the power of God.  We must pray, but we must act as well.  

Pray for me, that I will be of good courage, knowing that the Lord has overcome the world.  I am praying for all of that and for you!  I pray that hearts will turn back to the true and living God through the Lord Jesus Christ and see him through the eyes of the Bible and the wisdom of the Spirit, not just man's opinions and ideas.  I pray that our hearts be filled with love instead of shriveled up by hate.

Stop the violence!

We Need to Right What's Wrong

Hi there, my friends!  I know, I'm not a consistent blogger.  I have been working for many years to change that, but I am finding that m...